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Some of my own pieces of art, drawings and digital art.

Here are some of the pieces I made over the years,

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AeylyeaellE EllhE De EllendeH has reacted to this post.
AeylyeaellE EllhE De EllendeH

A few tries with different materials.

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Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: 1 persoon

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AeylyeaellE EllhE De EllendeH has reacted to this post.
AeylyeaellE EllhE De EllendeH

The drawings are SO cute, loving some of them. And the photoshop is really gorgeous. Seems we should work together some time!! 😀 I got a lot of ideas as you know. :p

second and third drawing are gorgeous by the way we should work on a banner!! Maybe with a female angel and a female elve touching hands, a vampire holding crowns over them?? 😀