Engel Nummers
Celestial numerology and its meaning.
Every has been wanting to find a way to connect with the Divine, find answers on their own without always having to rely on mediums, spiritualists and others who ask high prices for advice the soul already knew. We often forget that our spiritual journey is our own, our truth and only you yourself can find the answers about your life you seek. The only thing you have to do is open yourself and look within, do not only look at the good parts of you but be critical if needed. It’s not without reason we’re all here on Earth, each of us has a Karmic path to walk if we wish to heal our soul.
When you go to another medium or spiritual person you will get the answers through those connected to this person and not yourself, they won’t be able to give you the answers 100% correct only you, your guides and Angels can do this. Do not get me wrong, we all wish to play an important part in this every changing world. Every spiritual person out there desires to spread the wisdom they hold dear because it helped them through their struggles when needed. The only problem this created is that a lot of the information given to others has been either misunderstood or wrongly interpreted which created chaos. What was claimed as universal, is only Universal in the context of Earth. This is because man was led to believe that the Earth was the center of the universe, and the archons, or rather the principalities and powers of the earth ruling here, would never let man go above and beyond that. So they taught them the many spiritual levels of Earth’s, spiritual plane, and nothing above it. Think of anything that has been delivered in esoteric teachings, it’s always based on the earth’s spiritual truths and none other.
During my own channelings with the creator energies and the Angels I came across a topic I hear and see everywhere. The Angelic numbers and its meaning according to the Angelic realms.
With that said, I will never claim to be the one who holds the truth for I am aware there are others out there with similar interests that they wish to spread to those curious. Understand that what you read on this page comes from me own knowledge and channelings not that of others.
~enjoy the numbers and its meaning~
Keywords: New Beginning, circle of life, Creation.
The number zero represents the ongoing circle of life, its an never-ending energy that continuously grows an expands. The zero holds a lot of meaning think about the planets, the way our Earth rotates on its axis for eternity or the 0.0 which on its own represents eternity as well. The meaning for those coming across the number zero is actually pretty significant to our soul’s journey. It represents the start of a new journey, may it be emotion, spiritual or physical, this journey shall be part of you this entire life and beyond.
It shows us that we are part of the universe that goes around and around in a pattern slowly expanding. We are made of cells that grow, evolve into the person you have become. A person created out of particles connecting to both the Macro and Micro universe and its creating energy.
Keywords: individualism, first step, independence.
The number one represents not just independence but also being able to take the first step. When the one crosses your path is tells you it is time to take that first step towards your earthly mission. When it appears, it symbolizes your role, the part you hold as you walk along the path your higher self has chosen for you.
The number one not just resembles the first step towards this life’s goals but also the start of your energy expanding into the Universe’s infinite cycle. Many pagans, wiccans and other spiritual souls may know the term as above is so below which connects to the number one. What does that mean, the number shows you that your role is significant and connected to that of the creator and the heavenly realms. If anything the number one shows what you face seems to be fate
Keywords: Sacred feminine, union, duality, communication, partnership,
Number to will appear when it has something to do with two forces coming together. It represents Duality. It is representing to individual particles coming together as a larger entity. This is to work together in extreme force for balance period it represents the pillars of Boaz and Jachin which represent darkness and light, male and female, chaos and peace. It represents logic and intuition. It represents compassion vs judgement. Since the number one was representative of our source has a hole, end of yourself, the number to is representing both sides of the perception coming together, working together as one, the male and female duality. No other number represents balance as much as this number two does. If you see this in a number sequence, it is trying to explain to you that there is a great need for balancing any of the forces in your life. It also speaks of cooperation, communication, and partnership.
Keywords: Logic, trinity, divinity.
Number three is next. This is when the numbers start to break down in the different attributes of our source energy. Since two already introduced both sides of duality, this will be the individual use of the attributes of them. Three is representing, logic, analysis, communication, but in communicating your own views and thought. It is careful contemplation over the matter and using this in order to solve the issue or problem that is occurring in your life while trying to achieve balance. it is judging the issue as it is with one or the other side of duality. it is extreme intelligence and awareness.
Keywords: Balance, self-control.
Number four is bringing in the hard work that is needed in the cycle. It is the next step because usually, you are looking at things from logic but the number two comes in and tells you that you will have to add your emotions to that, to find the proper answer. After you have worked out both logic and emotion for your solution, three will come in next to ensure that you think it over now, and this new partnership of the duality. Having a new way of thinking after putting both sides of the force together. Then four comes in after all of that careful contemplation, for you to not take the first steps period it represents the time where you are carefully thinking things over and doing nothing to where you finally come up with the proper action to take in your solution. It also represents the hard work that you put into it, and working together with several others if needed, in your spiritual contract. It is illumination, because once a person is able to see things with their heart, and their mind together, with compassion and logic, with intuition and analysis, they have reached the biggest balance that they can, in regards to wisdom.
Keywords: conflict, illumination, challenge, mystical.
Five represents the conflict. Once a person has reached illumination, they are always presented with a challenge. This challenge is to test out the wisdom that they have acquired back in number four. It is self doubt, second-guessing and questioning the forces. It is being your own worst enemy, or being presented with competition from external enemies. It is then up to you to either rise above it, or defeat it. Some in this stage give up. This also represents the physical manifestation of the results that will come from your actions based on the conclusion you have come to back at number four.
Keywords: Law and Order, perfection, action.
The number six comes in the number sequences numerology, and it can represent quite a few things. First of all, it can represent total destruction of your idea and solution, if you give way to the challenge that is presented on your path when you have finally come up with what it was, that you needed for you to do, in reaction to gain a result. You could totally destroy everything that you thought over, felt over, and then put together, in order to gain an action that you needed to take for your solution, by allowing the trials that are always presented on your path during this stage, to take you down. Like I said many people give up and become their own worst enemy. And this is why the number 6 is always symbolic of destruction especially in Illuminati teachings. But number six can also represent The perfecting of your actions. It Is by passing of Law & Order to protect that which you are embarking on. Six is the master builder number. Because by this phase everything is coming together in order to bring you to an area of completion.
Keywords: Destiny, Seeker, Enlightment, Spiritual Growth,
Number seven represents walking the straight and narrow. It all comes together now. You have understood yourself at number one. Number two you put all elements in the duality together. And number three you thought over this new way of thinking in harmony with balance. In number four you worked hard to put things into action. Back at number five you started to be faced with all kinds of trials and challenges to test your strength. Number six has you either destroying your path, or perfecting it. If you reach the number seven, it means you perfected it. Because, number seven is saying that by this point in your journey, you are now walking the straight and narrow path with a sense of Enlightenment because of now using a sense of non-duality. And the reason for that is because after you have used your heart and mind to achieve balance, there will no longer be a need for you to leave the scales in judgement. Everything will come together perfectly and now your life will always be led by the sense of balance. When life is led by a sense of balance you are now walking a straight and direct pathway towards a future that is meant for you. This is walking the path of Destiny especially if you know what your destiny holds.
Keywords: Enlightments, Awakening, Infinity, Mother, love, nurturing.
The number eight is representing the continuing of your perfected path instantly. It represents that now since you have this wonderful sense of enlightenment, that you are ready to use this throughout the rest of your journey. But something else happens here. Usually when the number eight comes into your life, it begins not only the process of infinity in your better judgement, but another challenge is brought into the past as well. As I have stated, many times before, there are many levels and stages to Enlightenment as well as Awakening in Ascension. When number eight comes around it is getting ready to test everything that you think you know already. It will devour your belief system. It will make you go through the entire process again, to make sure that you didn’t miss anything or it will take you through an entirely new one as it breaks down your old system of doing things. It is getting rid of the old ways and now replacing them with something new. When that happens you are reaching a state of total self-love, because so far you know that you can get through anything. And now you are going to reshape the rest of your future based on caring for yourself in this new cycle. It is rebirthed and killing the old notions of who you thought you were based on how far you have come already.
Keywords: Manifestation, Rebirth, Occult, Mysticism, Faith.
Number nine is a phase of total manifestation. It now represents how you have created your own reality all around you. It is the accomplishment of your hopes and wishes. Number nine represents all of your dreams coming true because of your faith in the unseen. This is why Pluto (the ninth planet) represents, The occult and mysticism. because you cannot learn balance into a nonduality state, without trusting in the Unseen. It is your face that will carry you so far. Because you have used your mind and heart to make your decisions and take action, and then had faith in that through the challenges that came your way. Even when it tore down the entire old personality that you had, you hung in there. Hanging in there was a result of having faith in spirit. In the mystery of not knowing what would take place, but of having high hopes. This is the ultimate completion of self,
Those are the single digits in Angelic numerology. When you combine the numbers in sequences, it only intensifies the meaning. For an example let’s say, that you see the sequence 11:11, This is applying the number four, four times over to the number one in itself. The name Lucifer comes out to eleven in numerology. I am no satan worshipper.In fact Jesus was called the morning and the evening star. Lucifer was called the morning and the evening star. They are the same. However members of the churches did not want people to reach illumination, so they kept Jesus as their central figure to say popular with the people, but they withheld a lot of the truth so people would never grow. Then they said that Lucifer was evil to scare people from wanting to look for the truth. Lucifer is merely representative of “one who bares the light”, thus the meaning “lightbringer” in his name. It was Jesus himself who said he was the way, the truth, and the light. So it is figurative of someone finally reaching total Illumination in their growth and development. When you get the number eleven in sequence it is representing that you are now about to go up two levels in your Awakening. But since one is repeating four times, it is showing that you are growing to a 4D state of understanding. A lot of people this day in age have been focusing on the number 11:11. That is because the whole world is trying to ascend into 4th dimensional awareness. Seeing it means that that person has the potential to do so, not necessarily that they are. It takes a lot of growth, and truth to get there.. So it is basically representing that someone is now ready to embrace a brand new truth that will help them get to a new level of 4th dimensional understanding. It will take them completing this process infinitely until they do so. It is the light being activated through that balance hard work, and action to manifest a new reality through that light. all you have to do is look at the meaning of the single digits, and then you amplify them in the sequences as I did above. This will help you to understand triple and quadruple digits in numerology.