Engel Saraniel

Angel Saraniel Correspondences

  • Name Angel:
  • Also known as:
  • Angelic Rank:
  • Angelic race:
  • Celestial title:
  • Guardian off:
  • Works with:
  • Legions:
  • Egyptian name:
  • Norse name:
  • Greek/ Roman title:
  • Celtic title:
  • Energy color:
  • Planet :
  • Season:
  • Month:
  • Day:
  • Zodiak:
  • Element:
  • Animal:
  • Color:
  • Gemstone:
  • Symbol:
  • Tarot card:
  • Tree:
  • Flower:
  • Herb:
  • Anatomy Governed:
  • Angel Saraniel.
  • Angel Saranael, Sarana’il
  • Virtue.
  • Erelim.
  • Angel of Honor and deception. 
  • The river Main in Germany. 
  • Aurora, anael, Luciel, 
  • He works mainly alone or with Luciel. 
  • Ashe.
  • Bragi.
  • A potamoi.
  • Bran.
  • brown, cream, orange mixture. 
  • Sirius.
  • fall.
  • September.
  • 7th of September.
  • Scorpio.
  • Water.
  • Scorpions, lobster, crab. 
  • brown,cream, orange. 
  • Smoky quartz.
  • none. 
  • none.
  • Birch.
  • Black rose.
  • All spice. 
  • knees.

Magical intentions: Physical healing, helping see through illusions, guides the misguided, helps those who suffer from Depression. Teaches you to honor yourself and those you love equally. 


Celestial tasks: guardian of the river Main in Germany. Hidden Angel of the sacred order; protectors of those who try to find their way back to the creator.