Archangel Raziel

- Name Archangel:
- Also known as:
- Angelic Rank:
- Angelic race:
- Celestial title:
- Guardian off:
- Works with:
- Legions:
- What religion mentions him:
- Egyptian name:
- Norse name:
- Greek/ Roman title:
- Energy color:
- Planet under rulership:
- Season:
- Month:
- Day:
- Zodiak:
- Element:
- Animal:
- Color:
- Gemstone:
- Symbol:
- Tarot card:
- Tree:
- Flower:
- Herb:
- Anatomy Governed:
- Archangel Raziel,
- Galizur,
- Archangel and Throne.
- Ophanim,
- Keeper of God’s secrets, Secrets of God.
- guardian of the energies of all the all planets,
- Archangel Uriel, Gabriel, Omniel and Metatron.
- Legion of the Divine Truth.
- Esoteric religions, Hebrew,
- Horus,
- Mimir,
- Harpocrates,
- Vibrant rainbow colors.
- Neptune and Mars,
- Fall,
- Al 12 months,
- Saturday,
- All zodiak signs but mainly Leo.
- Earth,
- Snow owl, Mountain Lion.
- Rainbow colors.
- Clear Quarts, Smokey Quartz,
- Staff,
- Hermit,
- Oak, maple,
- Tullip,
- pineapple sage,
- the Aura, the chakras,
Here are some of the important tasks of this Angel:
- Keeper of the universal truth, protector of the wisdom of all the Angels.
- God’s Magician, guardian of the Divine energies. Keeper of the Universe’s secrets.
- Keeper of our Cosmic destiny, knows all the paths the souls on Earth have created.
- The Angel who connects the Celestial realms to the physical. (soul to body)
- Guardian of the energies of Earth,
Magical intentions: protecting the creator’s cosmic truth, secrets, healer of our past, spiritual growth, clairvoyance, aura, chakras, knowledge, development, divine magic, Angelic energies, matters of luck, destiny of the soul, banish darkness, rejuvinate light, lawyers, legal affairs,

The Archangel Raziel is one of the silent being of light who shares his wisdom through our energetic body, he is a healer, a magi and keeper of wisdom. This makes him like several others rather important to the growth and development of our physical body and its connection to the soul. Archangel Raziel is often called the wise one this is because he knows it all, while most Angels have wisdom over certain aspects he carries the knowledge of it all.
He often appears wearing a earthly toned hooded robe. holding a staff in one hand while carrying a book in the other. He truly has the appearance of a gentle but wise man with a brown or grey beard matching his long locks.
The Archangel Raziel explained,
The universe is a keeper of many mysteries and secrets and the keyholder is Raziel. He is both the wizard and alchemist of the Archangels and possesses the power to turn knowledge into wisdom. Here is what you need to know about the Archangel Raziel and how he can affect your life.
But what is important to know about this Angel?
Wizard and alchemist: Raziel understands God and the universe to the fullest degree. He has the capability of showing you your patterns of life, current magic, and new possibilities. If you want to unlock the mysteries of the universe, seek Raziel and he can help you open the door. You will find the connection to your psychic abilities, your purpose of soul, and your true path.
The Archangel Raziel is considered to be among the closest to God’s throne and is privy to His words from which much of his wisdom is derived. He is known to record God’s words and even his secrets. Another important detail about Raziel is the face that he possesses some of the most unique qualities of all the angels. He is the creator’s symbol for the universe’s wisdom combined with light and the patron Angel of those wishing to connect to the divine magic the Angels have to offer.
Raziel’s light explained: When you work with the Archangel Raziel you will see flashes of rainbow light, this is his way of letting you know that he is there when needed. His lights holds the love this Angel carries for the creator and mankind, he represents esoteric wisdom, consistency, light, respect and kindness which is often experienced as a gentle flow of energy that brings life to all your chakras. This Angel is known to bring light to any darkness.
Harnessing Your Spiritual gifts Through Raziel
Archangel Raziel can help you hone into the divine magic. This helps you remove obstacles, open the ability to gain spiritual insight, connect and empower your psychic abilities and raise your creativity.
Archangel Raziel is sympathetic to us as humans and has always welcomed those who would seek his wisdom through learning and spiritual growth. One of the most effective ways to learn from Raziel is by seeking guidance and advice from an authentic and accomplished spiritualist. He or she can light the way to the wisdom of Raziel and nurture your spirit with his celestial knowledge.
In the event that you are visited by Raziel, you will notice a dramatic spike in your extrasensory perception. You’ll find that your ability to experience perceptions beyond the physical senses will swell when you are in Raziel’s divine presence. Let’s start with the honor it would be for this Archangel ot visit you, not only does he motivate and stimulate your soul to awaken but he also spikes ones creativity causing new ideas to blossom into reality. Another fact about being visited by the Archangel Raziel is the fact that it comes with a significant deepening of faith. His visits often brings the gift of clairvoyance and reveal important messages to help you as a person grow. Should you receive communion with Raziel which is a rare but amazing experience, you will be blessed with both wisdom and a renewal of faith two very important atributes for lightworkers.